package org.universAAL.ontology.test; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Random; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.apibinding.OWLManager; import; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.IRI; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyCreationException; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyFormat; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyManager; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyStorageException; import org.universAAL.middleware.owl.Ontology; import org.universAAL.middleware.serialization.MessageContentSerializer; public class OwlOWLCreator { private static MessageContentSerializer contentSerializer = null; // public static void main(String[] args) { public static boolean doit(Ontology ontology) { if (contentSerializer == null) { contentSerializer = (MessageContentSerializer) .getContainer().fetchSharedObject(, new Object[] { MessageContentSerializer.class .getName() }); if (contentSerializer == null) { System.out .println("ERROR: no serializer found for serializing the ontology"); return false; } } String name = ontology.getInfo().getFilename(); if (name.endsWith(".owl")) // remove ".owl" at the end name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 4); if (name == null) name = Integer.toHexString(new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()) .nextInt()); String strDir = "target" + File.separator + "ontologies"; File dir = new File(strDir); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs(); name = strDir + File.separator + name; String nameTtl = name + ".ttl"; String nameOwl = name + ".owl"; String serializedOntology = contentSerializer.serialize(ontology); try { BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(nameTtl, false)); out.write(serializedOntology); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Exception " + e); return false; } File outFile = new File(nameOwl); File file = new File(nameTtl); // try { // System.out.println(" File OWL: " + outFile.getCanonicalPath()); // System.out.println(" File TTL: " + file.getCanonicalPath()); // } catch (IOException e2) { // e2.printStackTrace(); // } OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager(); IRI documentIRI = IRI.create(file); OWLOntology owlOntology; try { owlOntology = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(documentIRI); System.out.println(" Loaded ontology: " + owlOntology); OWLOntologyFormat format = manager.getOntologyFormat(owlOntology); RDFXMLOntologyFormat rdfxmlFormat = new RDFXMLOntologyFormat(); if (format.isPrefixOWLOntologyFormat()) { rdfxmlFormat.copyPrefixesFrom(format .asPrefixOWLOntologyFormat()); } manager.saveOntology(owlOntology, rdfxmlFormat, IRI.create(outFile)); System.out.println(" Saved ontology " + owlOntology + " in file " + nameOwl); } catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (OWLOntologyStorageException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } }